
Want to try trick training?

Learning tricks with your dog is a fun, rewarding activity for both of you. And it’s easier to get into than you might think. Read on to find out more.

There’s no doubt about it: learning with your dog is truly enjoyable. But if you want to go for pure, unadulterated fun, then why not get into trick training?

Unlike command-based learning, trick training doesn’t rely on instructions to improve practical skills. Instead, you’ll get to teach your dog stuff like playing fetch, how to roll over, and even helping out around the house!

The basics of trick training

As with other forms of training, it’s best to start in a comfortable home environment. Then, start with a simple trick like rolling over or playing dead. It’s best if your dog already has simple commands like sit and stay under their collar before starting on tricks. And, remember: reward often and plentifully.

Trick training doesn’t rely on practical instructions, which means you can get wild and wonderful early on. Want to train your dog to walk through your legs? Go for it! Always fancied getting your pup to pull up a blanket over themselves? Now’s your chance!

The benefits of trick training

The biggest benefit of trick training is the wonders it will do for your relationship with your dog. There really is nothing quite like training for something exciting and downright silly to improve that bond.

Beyond that, trick training is great for your dog’s mental wellbeing. The stimulation provided by learning new tricks can put your dog in a better mood, improve their behaviour, and even lead to a longer life.

Any breed will do!

Trick training isn’t limited to particular breeds

Your dog’s behaviour and physical make-up can make a difference. For example, collies are sharp, trainable, and athletic so they’ll be ready for the big stuff early on.

That said, dogs of any breed can get tons of enjoyment out of trick training—as long as both you and your dog enjoy it, their size and shape won’t matter.

From simple tricks to crazy stunts

So, we’ve talked about the ideal beginner’s tricks, like playing dead, walking through the legs, and rolling over. But how do you take it to the next level?

Many owners enjoy trying out advanced tricks such as getting the dog to perform a trick at a given distance, then placing the reward even further away. It sounds daunting to the beginner, but you could get there with practice.

If you’re interested in investigating further, many professional dog trainers and clubs offer trick-training. Or, if you want to try advanced tricks at home, we recommend Dog Tricks by Mary Ray.

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